Take Care Of Your Teeth This Holiday Season


Take Care Of Your Teeth This Holiday Season

The winter holidays are a perfect time to catch up with old friends, get to know the new neighbors who have a light display to rival Clark Griswold, and spend precious time with your family. All of these gatherings have a few things in common: you, food, and drinks. The Reston Serenity Smiles team loves a good celebration as much as anyone, but as your official oral health ambassadors, we want you to make it through the rest of 2017 without damaging the smile you work so hard to keep beautiful. Before you head out to the next holiday party, read the tips below to keep your teeth in tip-top shape.

Tip #1 — Have Healthy Options On-Hand

If all you have in your pantry is peppermint Oreos and your fridge only contains Capri Sun, Eggnog, and wine, then that’s exactly what you’re going to eat and drink. Make sure you keep your pantry and refrigerator stocked with mixed nuts, rice crackers, cheese sticks, fresh veggies, hummus, fruit, and other healthy options so you’re not compelled to eat the junk food. Any guests who make an appearance will be grateful to take a break from the cakes, cookies, and candies that are so plentiful this time of year.

Tip #2 — Follow Each Cocktail With a Glass of Water

Alcohol contains both acids and sugars, causing double-trouble for your teeth. The acids weaken the enamel that protects your teeth. Weakened enamel is porous, giving the sugars (and colors) in alcohol ample opportunity to penetrate, produce plaque, and leave stains. Since brushing after each serving is unreasonable, drink a glass of water, instead. In addition to rinsing the acids and sugars from your teeth, drinking water will keep you hydrated and full (a bonus when you’re surrounded by cheese trays, appetizers, and sweets).

Tip #3 — Eat Sweets After a Meal

When you eat a meal, your body naturally produces more saliva to stimulate and enhance digestion. This is the perfect time to eat sweets, as saliva will help remove sugars, bacteria, and any food particles that remain in your teeth. You can remove even more plaque and decay-causing substances by drinking water with your treats. As soon as you’re able, brush and floss to make sure your teeth are truly clean.

Tip #4 — Keep Junk Food Hidden

Homemade cookies, cakes, and candies that are within arm’s reach are too tantalizing for most people to resist. Avoid temptation by putting them in the pantry or refrigerator so you aren’t constantly reminded that there are delectable confections on the premises. When you’re in the mood to snack, don’t eat out of the serving container. Instead, dish out a single serving to enjoy then put the remaining treats back where they belong — out of sight and out of mind.

We truly hope you enjoy every second of your winter holidays; we certainly plan to. When the decorations are down, the gifts put away, and the junk food is long-gone, remember that we are here to help you have the best smile possible. If you live in Reston, Virginia, or the surrounding areas, give our office a call to schedule an appointment.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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    9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

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